Sports dome: cost of construction, operation, and equipment

Sports dome cost for construction, operation, and equipment

sports dome cost

Cost to build a sports dome

The cost of a sports dome varies depending on the product quality, area size, ball-resistant LED indoor lighting, and sports flooring equipment. A standard tennis air dome, for example, covers a floor surface of 300 x 200 feet (90m x 60m). The main supporting cover and the inner membrane of the tennis air dome typically costs around $25 to 50$ per square foot. On average a sports bubble dome is 50-75% cheaper to build compared to a permanent structure for sports.

In addition, the cost of the compact fan, entrance elements, storage facilities, and other equipment features must be added to the final price total. Depending on the equipment, an air dome with the dimensions mentioned above could see costs rise to a mid-six-figure range. 

Use our sports dome cost calculator to get an accurate estimate customized to your project specs. 

Sport Sports dome price range
Football dome
$2,200,000 - $4,600,000
Soccer dome
$2,100,000 - $4,200,000
Baseball dome
$1,600,000 - $4,200,000
Softball dome
$1,200,000 - $3,200,000
Golf / Driving Range Dome
$2,000,000 - $3,400,000
Tennis dome
$1,400,000 - $2,900,000
Pickleball dome
$1,000,000 - $2,600,000
Lacrosse dome
$2,300,000 - $4,200,000
Field hockey dome
$2,200,000 - $4,200,000

The cost calculations include the following items:

  • Foundation/base
  • Sports flooring
  • Air supported structure
  • Sports lighting
  • Other amenities
    • Changing rooms, office, WCs, storage rooms
    • Sport-specific extras: nets, bleachers, scoreboards, goals etc.

Table of Contents

How much is the upkeep?

Even if clubs prefer to rent the air dome, the running costs should be calculated in advance. To plan for the long term, electricity costs for the fans and heaters should be factored in during the early phase of budget costing. As a rough rough estimate, the total annual operating cost of a sports air dome can be calculated with $3 to $6 per square foot.

Of course, electricity varies in price and can differ significantly from region to region. In addition, the usage duration affects the price. For three tennis courts with an expected average usage time frame of four months, one can expect to pay between $60,000 to $80,000. Yet again, connecting with tennis clubs and associations with experience in using the air dome is advisable, as they can provide hands-on knowledge and expertise.

Sports air dome replacement and removal cost

Sports bubble domes are exposed to the elements all the time. In the winter they must stand the cold weather and potential snow pile-up. In the summer they must resist constant sunlight and hot temperatures. The sports dome membrane is built using sturdy materials, but it is impossible to avoid wear and tear over the years. As a general rule inflatable sports air domes can last anywhere between 10 to 20 years depending on how they are installed and maintained. 

Replacement cost

Small domes, those less than 100 feet in diameter, generally cost between $10,000 and $30,000 to replace or remove.  Medium-sized domes, between 100 and 300 feet in diameter, can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000. Large domes, more than 300 feet in diameter, can cost upwards of $1 million.

Removal and storage cost

To avoid surprises sports clubs and schools planning to install a sports dome should take into account the labor costs related to removing and storing the sports dome at the end of the season. Putting up and taking down the air supported structure is relatively fast (1-3 days for a small bubble, a couple of weeks for a larger one), but the work is quite labor intensive: it can take a team of 10-20 people working 8 hours a day. Typically the manufacturer will provide this service, but your own staff can also support in this activity if you want to cut costs (assuming your staff has the proper training). Get in touch with a professional sports dome builder if you want to know more about their service offering and pricing.

Use our sports dome cost calculator to get a cost estimate for the overall costs of your project. We can also connect you with some of the leading air dome builders in the US for further information.

soccer dome cost

What influences the cost of a sports bubble dome?

The purchase of a sports bubble dome is best planned in advance. It is advisable to calculate all operating, planning, equipment, and storage costs months before winter begins. Contacting suppliers of sports bubble domes will ease the purchasing process as they can assist on specific projects and explain any possible follow-up costs. It is also advisable to contact neighboring sports clubs or sports complexes that use the air dome. Such communication can often help avoid costly mistakes when purchasing the indoor sports facility.

As mentioned previously, to provide a fluid and continuous service, sports clubs should explore creating an indoor sports air dome months before the cold season begins. The cost of an air dome depends on the product quality, the desired features (indoor LED lighting, sports floor, etc.), and the size of the air dome.

The following cost items are usually incurred when purchasing an air dome:

  • Main load-bearing cover (high light transmission, flame retardant).
  • The inner membrane of the air dome
  • Compact blower – main blower (heating and supporting air) and reserve blower
  • Container for storage of the compact blower
  • Entrance elements (1 x revolving door, 2 x emergency door) Inc. assembly
  • Anchoring of the air dome by means of concrete anchors Inc. assembly
  • Assembly of the air dome
  • LED sports hall lighting Inc. assembly and control system
  • Sports flooring (tennis floor or multifunctional sports floor)
  • Static planning, calculation and test report
  • Transport of the trades and training of the personnel
  • Container for storage of the air dome during the summer months
  • Miscellaneous material costs

Other considerations regarding sports air dome costs

One key advantage of a sports dome is its flexibility, as it can be bought or rented at almost any size. For example, the manufacturers of air domes offer sizes based on the number of tennis courts that need to be covered. Therefore, the size of the sports facility determines the price. Another advantage stems from its construction, which is kept simple and can be completed in a day. Thus, the costs for covering a sports facility can be reliably calculated.

Delivery and assembly must also be considered during the pricing procedure. However, overall costs can be reduced if club members and staff construct and maintain the air dome. Nevertheless, this cost calculation does not include a sports floor. 

Renting the air dome is another viable option. Numerous providers offer various rental packages, and prices vary according to the rental period, the size of the air dome, and the quality of the material.  

tennis dome cost

Sports air dome design and customization factors

The overall costs of a sports dome are determined by mostly the same factors whether you are installing a bubble for tennis, football, soccer, or lacrosse. The main price differentiators are the size of the field that needs to be covered, the choice of the field/court material, and customization options of the sports facility. In this section, we break down the sports-specific design factors for sports domes. 

Football air dome

Sports dome membrane:

  • needs to cover an area of around 95,000 square feet
  • includes space around the field for bleachers, changing rooms, toilets, and storage space

Playing surface:

  • artificial turf field to cover a full-sized football field: 57,600 square feet (360 x 160 feet)

Customization of the field:

  • color(s) of the turf field
  • end zones: logo and name of the team

Soccer air dome

Sports dome membrane:

  • needs to cover an area of around 95,000 square feet
  • includes space around the field for bleachers, changing rooms, toilets, and storage space

Playing surface:

  • artificial turf field to cover a full-sized football field: 81,000 square feet (360 x 225 feet)

Customization of the field:

  • color(s) of the turf field
  • logo and name of the team

Tennis (and pickleball) air dome

Sports dome membrane:

  • needs to cover an area of around 30,000 square feet (four courts)
  • includes space around the field for bleachers, changing rooms, toilets, and storage space

Playing surface:

  • Cost depends on surface choice: hard court, clay court, artificial turf, or modular plastic tiles
  • space needed for a single tennis court: 7,200 square feet 

Customization of the field:

  • color of the tennis/pickleball court

Golf / Driving Range Dome

Typically accommodates driving stalls (single or multi-level), an artificial turf field (around 300 ft long), and a large color backdrop. Sometimes these complexes offer extra services such as a bar or a clubhouse. Golf domes can be equipped with an interactive golf simulator that allows players to visualize where the ball lands on the golf course on a computer screen. 

Sports dome membrane:

  • needs to cover an area of around 50,000 – 80,000 square feet
  • includes space around the driving stalls and range for restrooms, changing rooms, and storage
Playing surface:
  • Cost depends on the turf system choice: base layer, turf quality, infill choice, etc.
  • space needed approximately 240ft x 300ft
Customization of the field:
  • color of the turf field
  • logo and name 

Multi-Sport Dome

Can accommodate various sports under the same roof: baseball, softball, batting cages, running track, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, football, etc. 

Sports dome membrane:

  • needs to cover an area of around 120,000 square feet 
  • area is split into several sports-specific playing areas

Playing surface:

  • Cost depends on what sports are hosted in the facility
  • Artificial turf field, polyurethane running track, hard court for tennis, etc. 

Customization of the field:

  • color of the turf field, running track, tennis court
  • logo and name 

Why inflatable air domes are a great choice for schools and sports clubs

Inflatable domes are a great choice for schools and sports clubs because they provide a cost-effective way to build an indoor facility. With hundreds, or maybe thousands of athletes to entertain, schools and sports clubs need a way to keep players engaged year-round. When you have an “indoor” space, you can keep the games running no matter the weather conditions outside. 

Some of the benefits of using inflatable domes for schools and sports clubs include:

  • Cost-effective: Inflatable domes are much cheaper to build than traditional brick-and-mortar buildings.
  • Easy to set up and takedown: Inflatable domes can be set up in a matter of days and taken down just as quickly. This makes them very convenient for schools and sports clubs that only need an indoor facility on a part-time basis.
  • Versatile: Inflatable domes can be used for a variety of sports and activities, making them a versatile option for schools and sports clubs.
  • Durable: Inflatable domes are made with high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear. This makes them a long-lasting option for schools and sports clubs.
  • Thermal insulation: Inflatable domes provide excellent thermal insulation, which helps to keep the inside of the dome warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This is a great benefit for schools and sports clubs that need an indoor facility that can be used year-round.
  • More revenue: In the case of a  school, an inflatable dome can be rented out to generate revenue for the school district. In the case of a sports club, an inflatable dome can be used to host tournaments and events that generate revenue for the club.

The bottom line is that inflatable domes are a great choice for schools and sports clubs because they provide a cost-effective, versatile, and durable solution for indoor facilities. If you are looking for an indoor facility that can be used year-round, an inflatable dome is a great option to consider.

50-75% cheaper to build

Compared to permanent sports structures

Excellent insulation

of the sports dome membrane leads to reduced energy bills

Reduced cost/hour of use

thanks to the extended playing season at your sports facility

Additional rental revenue

events, shows, trade fairs etc.

What else is there to consider when buying an inflatable sports dome?

It is also essential for clubs to plan early, especially if any possible extras or add-ons are needed. As highlighted earlier, air domes are remarkably flexible and can be expanded upon with ease. However, any additional features such as an extra bar, changing room, or a LED lighting system impact the price of the air dome. Most suppliers of sports domes offer these extras as part of a complete package.

Due to their size and visibility, inflatable air domes offer an excellent opportunity for top-quality sponsoring and advertising placements, which could offset costs. Moreover, it is worth contacting sports federations who can advise on subsidies and grant programs associated with temporary outdoor constructions. Crowdfunding campaigns can also offer further possible financing assistance. Here, the so-called crowd, mostly club members and sponsors, can actively finance the project through donations and premiums. 

How to finance a sports air dome construction project?

Sports facility construction provides clubs with numerous funding options. Whether and how much funding is granted for constructing a seasonal air dome depends on current funding programs and varies from state to state. Information can be obtained from state sports associations or at the federal state level. Other funding opportunities should also be considered early, and contact should be made with, for example, other clubs or schools in the area and local politicians. We have written at length about sports facility funding, take a look!

Financing a sports air dome construction project can be a challenge. There are a lot of parts and materials involved in the construction of a sports dome, and it can be difficult to find a lender who is willing to finance the entire project. 

However, there are some ways to finance a sports air dome construction project:

  • Apply for public and private grants: There are a number of grants available from state and federal agencies that can help finance a sports dome 
  • Ask for donations: Another way to finance a sports air dome construction project is to ask for donations from businesses or individuals. Gaining sponsorships for your new dome helps strengthen your case for why the community should support your project.

Tax Incentives

One important concept to consider when budgeting for your dome is the tax incentives available. 

Since your dome is not a permanent structure, it is not subject to property taxes. A sports dome is actually considered personal property. As such, you can avoid costly taxation usually associated with new buildings and structures. This tax categorization can save you a lot of money in the long run. 

In addition, there are other tax incentives that may be available depending on your location and the type of dome you choose. Contact your local tax authority to find out more about the tax incentives that are available in your area.


Another cost savings to consider is depreciation. Since your dome is considered personal property, you can claim depreciation on your taxes. This can be a significant cost saving, particularly in the first few years after your dome is built. 

To learn more about depreciation and how it can save you money, contact your accountant or tax advisor.

Calculate the costs of your project at an early stage

If you have reached this far, you should have a pretty good understanding of what determines the costs of installing and operating a sports air dome. If you are in the process of planning to build one, we recommend getting in touch with professional sports dome builders for more detailed information. Before you do, though, make sure to use our sports dome cost calculator to get a cost estimate. This will help you get a fairly accurate estimate of the overall project costs and you can discuss the pricing details line by line with professional builders.

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