Tips for Golf or Driving Range Dome Design

Tips for Golf or Driving Range Dome Design

tennis and pickleball domes

A dome for golf?

Covering an entire golf course with an air dome isn’t too practical. And honestly, who would want it anyhow? Part of the golf experience is getting outdoors, enjoying the fresh air, and communing with nature.

But what if you live in an area with long, harsh winters? Or what if you don’t have the time to make it out to the course as often as possible? A dome covering a driving range could be the next best thing for those golfers.

Domes provide an ideal environment for golfers of all skill levels to practice and perfect their swing. And because they can be inflated and deflated as needed, they are also an extremely versatile solution for those with limited budgets and staff.

If you are planning to install a dome for your golf facility, you could do a lot worse than trying our sports dome cost calculator. Input the specs of your project and get a customized cost estimate in a matter of minutes.

Dimensions of the golf dome

Most domes for golfing facilities are centered around a driving range. Who doesn’t love taking a bucket of balls and working on their game?

For driving ranges, there are two main components:

1 – Driving range stalls

These are the areas where the golfers stand to tee off. They are usually 10-12 feet wide and 20-30 feet long. You need enough room for each golfer to maneuver while maximizing the number of stalls in the dome. 

2 – Driving range

This is the area in front of the stalls where the balls land. It needs to be 300-400 yards long and 150-200 yards wide. A larger size provides more space for different skill levels and more opportunities to practice.

3 – Other features

Domes can also include chipping and putting greens. These greens are great for working on short game fundamentals and provide a variety of activities that keep patrons coming back.

Some facilities include a clubhouse with a pro shop, bar, and restaurant. It all depends on the size of the dome and your facility’s budget. While extra amenities can help drive more revenue, they require additional work to maintain and staff.

Check local zoning codes and permits

Before selecting your dome, we recommend checking your local zoning laws.

There might be restrictions on the size or height of your dome. For instance, if you are on the flight path of a local airport, the height of your dome will be limited. Proportionally, a lower dome means it won’t be as comprehensive. Understanding your limitations before starting the process is essential. 

For your business to succeed, you’ll need to know how many customers you can accommodate at once – which is directly impacted by the size of your dome.

Additionally, the zoning laws for temporary structures like air domes differ from permanent facilities. But these vary from town to town, so it’s best to check with your local code enforcement office before making any decisions.

You will also need to obtain any necessary permits before beginning construction. These can vary depending on your location, so it’s essential to do your research early. The process is similar to pulling a permit for a new building. But the good news is that once you have your permit, you can inflate and deflate your dome as needed.

It’s always best to check with your local authorities before making any decisions. They can help you navigate the permitting process and ensure your facility is up to code.

Not sure where to start? We can help get you in touch with an expert air dome specialist. 

What amenities are needed for your customers?

Beyond the size and layout of your dome, you’ll need to decide on the amenities you’ll offer your patrons.

Driving range and more

Will you be creating a standard driving range, or will you offer additional areas to work on different aspects of the game?

Chipping and putting greens are a great way to provide more value to your customers. They can also help you upsell other services, like private lessons.

Driving range simulator 

A great way to differentiate yourself from other driving ranges is by offering a driving range simulator. A modern virtual experience can help attract new customers and keep them returning.

Bar, lounge, or restaurant

Another tactic to separate your business from the competition is offering a bar, lounge, or restaurant inside your dome. This can help you generate additional revenue and create a more enjoyable experience for your customers.

Top-quality LED lighting

Ensuring your patrons can see where their ball lands is essential for providing a great experience. Poor lighting can lead to frustrated customers and lost business. Plus, a well-lit facility will keep everyone safe.

That’s why we recommend investing in top-quality LED lighting for your dome. It will improve the visibility of your customers, but it will also save you money on your energy bill.

Additional Amenities to Consider

  • Toilets
  • Changing rooms
  • Offices for you and your staff
  • Storage for your equipment
  • Heating and cooling
indoor driving range dome

Customization of the golf dome

Like any business, you’ll want to customize the experience as much as your budget allows. Modern sports air domes offer a variety of options to choose from.

You can curate custom colors, imprint logos, branding, and even signage for local or national sponsors.

This might seem like overkill, but first impressions matter. If you want your business to thrive, it’s crucial to create a professional and polished look.

Starting Your Golf Air Dome Project

These are just a few things to consider when planning your facility. The most important thing is to start with a clear vision of what you want to create. From there, you can begin to piece together the details.

Be sure to measure the dimensions of the driving range and all the other amenities that need to be covered by the dome membrane. This will allow you to calculate the size of the golf dome and understand how tall the air supported structure will be once installed. With these specs you can also get a customized cost estimate for the isntallation project, by using our sports dome cost calculator.

If you need help getting started, we can put you in touch with an air dome specialist who can help you navigate the process. 

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