Running track maintenance costs and cleaning guidelines

Running track maintenance costs and cleaning guidelines

running track maintenance and cleaning

Running tracks are the center of the action for a modern sports facility. Track and field competitions, leisure activities, ceremonies, and charity events make running tracks the perfect venue for all types of athletes. 

Cleaning and maintaining a running track is essential to ensuring the safety of athletes and prolonging the life of the surface. Running tracks are often multi-purpose; they are subject to constant wear and tear. They also require regular cleaning, which can be costly depending on your needs. 

When you develop a strategy to install a running track, knowing all of the upfront costs will help you make the best decisions. The costs associated with running tracks don’t stop after you cut the ribbon and welcome athletes for the first time. The actual costs go well beyond opening day. 

When planning your project, factor in routine maintenance and cleaning costs to get the most precise picture of the total price. 

In the article, we’ll walk you through some of the basics for maintaining your running track, including the proper ways to clean your surface. 

You can also use our running track cost calculator to get an instant and accurate cost estimate for your running track construction project.

What is the cost of running track maintenance services?

Professional running track maintenance service companies can help you take care of your athletics track in a variety of ways. Synthetic athletics track maintenance services can be categorized into regular maintenance and cleaning services, professional (deep) cleaning services, repairs, and redoing line-markings.

For an 8-lane running track, you can expect the regular maintenance and cleaning to cost around $15.000 -$16.000 per year. Deep cleaning, with professional equipment, has more or less the same price tag, but this type of service is normally needed only every two years. Before your synthetic athletics track needs to be resurfaced (after 7-10 years), you can also expect it to need some patch repairs and possibly redoing line-markings.

In order to give you an idea of what the total maintenance costs can add up to, take a look at the table and cost summary below. We have listed the estimated annual costs until the 10th year, which is when synthetic running tracks normally need to be resurfaced.

Year / cost item Reg. maintenance Deep clean Repairs Line marking Annual cost
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Total cost
Avg annual cost

Why Your Running Track Needs Routine Maintenance

The goal of proper running track maintenance is to maintain a high-performance venue for your athletes. Safety is crucial to any sports venue, and your running track needs special attention. With so many different activities on a running track, its maintenance needs extra scrutiny. Therefore, regular maintenance and cleaning are best to keep athletes safe during competition. 

In addition to athlete safety, systematic cleaning is also essential for the longevity of your running track’s surface. By removing dust and debris that builds up over time, you can prolong the life of your Tartan track.


Keeping your track free from foreign objects can slow down the degradation of the synthetic coating on its surface. While running track maintenance cost might seem unnecessary, it is minimal compared to resurfacing. A little investment upfront will go a long way in protecting your investment for years to come. 

With that said, wear and tear are inevitable on a running track. Both indoor and outdoor tracks are subject to their own sets of threats and damages. At some point, you’ll need to resurface. Read this article for more information on the costs associated with resurfacing a running track. 

Now that you know why routine maintenance is essential, let’s discuss how to keep your running track in the best shape possible.

Options for Cleaning a Running Track

1. Check your surface regularly. 

One of the easiest ways to keep your track clean is conducting regular walkthroughs. 

Tasking a member of your staff or scheduling routine visual assessments will go a long way in reducing the need for costly repairs. Something as small as a fallen leaf or twig can cause long-lasting damage to your track (and potential safety issues for your athletes) if not cleaned quickly. 

Keeping a watchful eye on your drainage areas can help the health of your surface as well. Look for blockages and impediments that will restrict the flow of water. Puddles and standing water on a surface will cause erosion and damage to materials. 

The simple task of walking your track and removing debris will help keep your athletes and surface safe. Make sure you have a plan in place to check all parts of your track regularly. 

Frequency: As often as possible 


2. Use the right running track cleaning equipment.

As with any job, having the right tools is essential to success. 

Basic Cleaning Equipment

For running track cleaning, the right equipment means using vacuum cleaners or sweepers to remove dirt and abrasive particles from the surface. However, you can’t just grab any vacuum and start clearing debris. Many commercial vacs have bristles that are far too stiff for the sensitive top layers of a running track. 

Sweepers designed for the job will have soft bristles that won’t damage the synthetic coating. Make sure you consult a professional versed in running track maintenance before buying or renting equipment. The last thing you want is to cause more damage with unsuited machinery.

Frequency: Monthly or Quarterly


Intensive Cleaning Equipment 

In addition to vacuums and sweepers, you can also employ wet cleaners to give your track a more thorough cleaning. 

Wet cleaning is an intensive process. It requires time, patience, and a good deal of labor to execute correctly. Depending on the type of surface and sublayer you choose, the frequency of wet cleanings will vary. For instance, if your Tartan track has a water-permeable surface, you’ll want to perform a wet cleaning yearly. 

Frequency: Yearly or every two years, depending on your materials


3. Setup a maintenance routine 

Creating a comprehensive maintenance routine for your running track is critical to its longevity. 

Put your plan in writing. Assign each task to a staff member or find ways to get your community involved. The most crucial part of running track maintenance and cleaning is to be proactive. 

Trust us; you don’t want to leave this up to chance. Your track’s surface should last 7 – 10 years (or even longer in some cases). Having a clear set of guidelines for cleaning your track will ensure it won’t need a premature and costly resurface. 

When its Time to Bring in the Professionals

Now, we know budgets are different for everyone. What works for a top-tier collegiate facility might not make sense for a community track or high school team. 

But no matter the level of competition you plan on hosting, one thing is universal: maintenance is imperative. 

That’s why we recommend hiring a professional running track maintenance partner. It’s the best way to ensure your track receives the care and attention it needs. Whether you’re new to the world of running tracks or want to have your maintenance plan assessed, hiring a professional is a fantastic strategy. 

They can help you plan costs, maximize efficiency, and develop a winning game plan for your venue. You can keep your track in great shape while staying within your budget. 

If you are in the process of planning a new running track and you want to know how much the annual maintenance services will cost, try our running track cost calculator to get an overview of the total costs of the project. Alternatively, you can also read our article that explains what determines the costs of running track construction

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