Sports Facility Construction Process: From Planning to Inauguration in 6 Steps

Sports Facility Construction Process: From Planning to Inauguration in 6 Steps

sports facility construction process

A new sports facility is an exciting prospect, but the construction of one is no small feat. With so many tasks and decisions involved, the process can seem overwhelming. But luckily, once you learn the process, it makes the entire journey much smoother. 

The steps from planning to the inauguration are the same for every sport. So whether you plan to build a turf football field for semi-pro athletes or an indoor basketball court for your high school, the construction project follows the same process.

Understanding what to expect during the project can help you plan properly and ensure your facility is beautiful, safe, and fully functional. Let’s take a look at the six steps for every sports facility construction project.

If you are in a hurry and you just want to get an understanding of how much your sports facility construction project will end up costing, try one of our sports facility cost calculators to get a customimzed cost estimate.

#1 Planning

Before you can break ground, you need a plan. This includes drawing up blueprints, selecting materials and contractors, and outlining the project timeline. You also need to decide on your budget—a very important part of this step.

In this stage, research is key. Studies need to be conducted by consultants and professional service providers to determine the practicality and viability of your project. Environmental studies must be completed to forecast your new facility’s impact on the local area. 

  • Market opportunity report – 6-10 weeks
  • Feasibility study – 10-12 weeks
  • Financial forecasting – 10-12 weeks
  • Economic impact report – 4-6 weeks
  • Recreation master planning – 10-18 weeks

Once the plans are finalized and approved, you can move on to the next step: breaking ground.


#2 Funding & budgeting

The research in the Planning phase is crucial to funding and budgeting your project. 

Building a new sports facility can be expensive, and more often than not third-party funding is needed. Having the proper documentation (sourced in step one) will ease the process of sourcing funding from governments, sponsorships, grants, and other sources. Check out our sports facility grants & funding section for more information.

For raising funds, you have two options:

1 – Raise funding by yourself

It can be a time-consuming process and requires efforts to secure the funds. However, if you’re adept at finance and pitching your project, you may be able to secure the funds and save money on consulting fees.

2 – Outsourcing the task of raising funds

You could also opt to outsource this process to fundraising professionals who specialize in finding financing for sports facility projects. This option saves time and provides access to professional guidance that increases the likelihood of success. But remember, you are hiring a skilled professional – so you’ll need to factor in their payment. 


#3 Development

Once you’ve negotiated the terms of your funding and have the budget you need, it’s time to get the project underway. Here’s where you move away from the Excel spreadsheets and begin creating architectural designs and blueprints. 

For many, this is when their new sports facility starts to feel real. Seeing your new potential facility come to life in drawings and renderings can be exciting. 

To set your project up for success, you’ll need to hire or appoint a Project Manager. Building a sports facility is a complex project with many nuances. Your Project Manager will ensure all the pieces fit together and that the job is done on time and within budget. 

If your organization has no prior experience in sports facility construction, it’s best to leave this step up to the professionals. Hiring a consultant or independent firm can be a great way to ensure you get the job done properly and efficiently.

You’ll also need to hire a team of architects and designers to guarantee your project is up to code and aesthetically pleasing. The design team will also create the blueprints for your contractors, including any specific features or details you’d like included in the project. 


#4 Procurement & Bidding

This next step is where most projects either succeed or fail. 

On the surface, procurement and bidding might seem like a simple task – find what you need, buy it or hire it, and send it to your job site. But in reality, it’s an arduous process that requires attention to detail and careful calculations. 

Knowing the ins and outs of sports facility construction projects is critical in this step. The devil is in the details and ensuring you have all the pieces in place to build your facility can be overwhelming.

Depending on the complexity of your project, you may need to hire a Project Manager with a specialty in procurement to guide you through the process. This expert will help ensure that your bids are accurate and competitive and that you get the best possible deals. 

Once all bids have been received, it’s time to make final decisions. Your Project Manager can also help with this step and inform you of any potential pitfalls or savings associated with each bid. 



#5 Construction

Now for the fun part – building your new sports facility. When the architectural designs are done, the bidding war is over, and the materials are at your job site: it’s time to get your hands dirty. 

Well, maybe not your hands, but you get the idea. 

At this stage, your Project Manager will manage the construction process and ensure that all subcontractors complete their tasks on time and to specification. Some projects may require an independent inspector to perform periodic quality checks during construction, which should be factored into the budget. 

Construction is the phase in which most of the costs are incurred for the project. The costs of sports facility construction can be broken down into three main categories:

  1. Material costs
  2. Labor costs
  3. Equipment costs

Material costs are generally the most expensive part of a project and include items such as steel, concrete, wood, and other building materials. Labor costs will depend on how many workers you need to complete the job. Equipment costs include tools and machinery needed on site. 

Depending on the complexity of your project, construction can take anywhere from a few weeks to more than a year. During this time, the Project Manager will oversee all aspects of the project and make sure everything is running smoothly. 

Once construction is completed, it’s time for the finishing touches – furniture, equipment, signage, etc. With these added features and amenities, your new sports facility will be ready for opening day ceremonies.

It’s a lot of work, but ultimately, it will all be worth it – this is the stage where your plans and dreams come to life.

Pro tip: Try one of our sports facility cost calculators to get a customized cost estimate for your project.


#6 Operations, Maintenance, and Improvement

The work doesn’t end with the completion of construction. To keep your facility running smoothly and to accommodate future growth, you’ll need to develop an operations and maintenance plan. 

This plan should include things such as staffing requirements, preventative maintenance schedules, equipment inspections and replacements, and energy efficiency initiatives. It should also cover ways to continually improve the facility, including upgrades to existing systems and the addition of new amenities. 

Developing an operations and maintenance plan may sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Your Project Manager can help you develop a plan that meets your specific needs and budget. 

The goal is to ensure that your sports facility is well cared for, up-to-date, and ready for action. With a solid plan in place, you can rest assured that your facility will remain a safe, comfortable environment for years to come. 

Getting Started with the Sports Facility Construction Process

Building a sports facility is an exciting endeavor with many steps along the way. From designing the plans to completing construction, there are plenty of moving parts to consider. 

But don’t let that overwhelm you. With the right team and a bit of planning, you can assemble all the pieces to create an amazing project. 

So, if you’re ready to take the plunge, try using one of our sports facility construction cost calculators for a free estimate. We can also help you find the project manager and contractors you need to bring your vision to life.

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