Estimating the costs for an artificial turf hockey field

Estimating costs for an artificial turf hockey field

artificial turf for field hockey pitches
Cost to install a new synthetic turf hockey field

An artificial field hockey turf field with standard dimensions costs anywhere between $560,000 and $920,000, depending on the region in which the turf field is to be installed, the size of the pitch, the desired turf system, the product quality, and the infill.

Costs go up from there if the pitch needs to have floodlights and a sprinkler system. LED sports field lighting systems, for example,  cost between $210,000 and $330,00.

You can calculate the costs for the construction  of a new artificial turf field for field hockey in detail using the field hockey turf cost calculator. After entering the pitch size and selecting the artificial turf system, you will receive an email with a breakdown of all relevant cost items for the artificial turf pitch and the equipment of your sports facility, including the sprinkler and floodlight system.

Cost to replace an old turf hockey field

In case you already have a synthetic turf hockey field surface installed, but it’s beginning to show signs of old age, it’s time to start planning the replacement of the playing surface. The cost to replace a standard sized artificial turf hockey field can range somewhere around $250,000 – $460,000 depending largely on the same factors as listed for the new installation of a turf field. Since you don’t have to replace or even touch the drainage and the sub layer, a resurfacing project is less laborous and therefore less costly. 

If you want to get a customized cost estimate for replacing your existing turf field playing surface, use our field hockey turf field resurfacing cost calculator

Field hockey turf field construction costs Turf field hockey field Natural grass
Construction costs
$560,000 - $920,000
$400,000 – $820,000
Maintenance costs
$6,000 - $10,000 x 10 years = $60,000 - $100,000
$18,000 – $44,000
Utilization time/year
2,800 hrs x 10 years = 28,000 hrs.
800 hrs. x 10 years = 8,000 hrs.
Cost per hour of use
$22 - $36
$52 - $108

Selecting the right artificial turf for field hockey

Artificial turf pitches have accelerated field hockey’s development. The sport is faster and more accurate when played on artificial pitch than it could ever be on natural grass. It’s almost impossible to imagine what field hockey would be like without artificial turf, as the surface has facilitated so much of the tactical and technical development of the players, allowing them to play to the full extent of their abilities while staying safe and healthy.

Field hockey fields are typically built with sand-based artificial turf or with irrigated turf systems for higher level competitions. Often, the focus when building a new artificial turf pitch is on a more multifunctional use, as the field hockey pitches at most facilities are used for other sports. The choice of field hockey turf depends on the use concept of the sports facility: namely, what else besides field hockey practices and matches will the field be used for?

Different combinations of usage – for example,  using the same pitch for field hockey and soccer, or a school that will also use it as a multipurpose field – require different systems. Every club must be aware of this at the outset of planning, and the project must be aligned accordingly. 

The usage plans will also shape the additional equipment the new field will need: sprinklers, floodlights and spectator areas. Equipping the facility with an LED sports lighting system allows the game to be played in the evening and during the winter, but that may not be applicable for a school field in warmer climates.

Try our field hockey turf cost calculator to get a cost estimate for your turf field construction project.

Artificial turf systems: Pros and Cons

Sand-based field hockey fields

Sand-based field hockey fields represent a cost-effective, multifunctional solution, as they can also be used for other ball sports such as soccer. Sand-based field hockey fields can generally be divided into three types: The subdivision is made into sand-filled, partially filled, and semi-irrigated artificial turf.

The intended use of the field is critical in selecting the fiber length of the artificial turf. If the pitch is used exclusively for field hockey, 11 millimeter blades are sufficient. However, if the pitch will double as a soccer field or multipurpose field, the blades should be 14 millimeters.

Sand-filled field hockey fields

The grass surface of sand-filled artificial turf has a low density and an open structure. Due to their versatility, this option is very popular in municipal areas (e.g., schools and publicly accessible recreational facilities).

Partially filled field hockey fields

Partial infill field hockey turf systems have an infill of between 67% – 80% of the pile depth and are similar in appearance to non-infill systems.

Semi-irrigated field hockey fields

Semi-irrigated fields are irrigated by built-in sprinkler systems. This allows the artificial turf system to achieve a similar level of quality as an irrigated artificial turf. The sand infill in this type of turf is less than 60% of the pile depth.

artificial turf field hockey pitch cost

Light up your hockey field with LED sports lighters

Make sure to take into consideration the installation costs of a quality LED sports lighting system for your hockey field. LED sports lighters are the benchmark in the industry thanks to their higher quality of light, long lifespan, and close-to-zero maintenance requirements. 

LED floodlights are the best way to ensure proper visibility on the field for your players and also for the spectators in the stands. Even if you are currently using a legacy metal halide lighting system, you should consider upgrading to LED technology. Typically an investment in an LED lighting system pays itself back in less than five years. 

Get yourself a cost estimate for a LED sports lighting system by using our free cost calculator

Calculate costs for your turf hockey field

Getting a good perspective on the overall costs of a turf field hockey field construction project can give anyone a  headache. There are many variables to take into account and it is not always possible to get all the information needed to add up all the numbers and get a satisfying answer.

We work with some of the leading sports building companies in the US and we have developed a turf field hockey cost calculator that does the number crunching for you. You only have to type in the specifications of your project and in less than five minutes our calculator calculates the project cost, delivers you a detailed breakdown of the costs involved customized to your project.

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